Friday, April 30, 2010

while I was away..........

hiyass guys! So I am FINALLY back! Trips are fun but its always nice to come home, jump in some sweat pants and snuggle up in your bed! On my little trip I would say I discovered many cool things.

Firstly, I finished It's Not Summer Without You, which I absolutely loved and recommend. The writer, Jenny Han, is in fact on tour right now. You can look up where or go to which is her super duper cool blog:)

I also happened to go to a gorgeous museum called the Gardner Museum. This museum was created by a art collector named Isabella Gardner, by far it is the best museum I have ever been too. Before she collected art she collected books! Therefor, inside there were stunning old books that I wish I could have taken home: here is what some of them looked like

AND I bought a little cute environmental book light that folds at MIT, also saw the Italian version of Twilight which my friend was reading -

And lastly I bought a historical fiction book about Paul Revere's daughter. Cant wait to read it!
So all in all, a pretty bookwormyish trip > totally my kinda thing.