Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Breakfast at Tiffany's

Have you ever seen the old movie Breakfast at Tiffany's? With that ahhhhhh-mazing actress Audrey Hepburn? Well that movie was based on one of Truman Capote's short stories. This book contains four shot stories, the main one of course is Breakfast at Tiffany's (about 100 pages). Truman Capote is such a talented writer, his characters are described in such depth and he notices details that one would never think of. If you are interested in a timeless classic then you will love this one! * I also recomend the movie to those of you who aren't big readers.

These words were taken from the back of an old copy of Breakfast at Tiffany's:

She's Holly Golightly,
The baddest little good girl you've ever seen.

She's Holly Golightly,
Wild and wonderful and wacky, and you'll meet her in this hilarious novel!