Tuesday, February 9, 2010

The Summer I Turned Pretty

The saying "You cant tell a book by its cover" does not apply in this case. The cover is gorgeous and so is the book. Its filled with humor, sadness, joy, and raw emotion. After every chapter you are dying to read the next. You'll find your self finishing it faster then you can say the title! (I finished it the day it came out). I also happen to know the author, and she is one of the sweetest girls I know. If you have read the first one then get ready for the sequel because it comes out in APRIL!


Summer is love, summer is the ocean, summer is boys and popsicles and laughing and so much more. Every summer Belly heads down to the beach with her family and the two brothers CONRAD and JEREMIAH. But this summer things are different, no... she's different. This summer the boys look at her in ways they never have before. Why? Shes become pretty. It will be a summer to remember, with love triangles (or love squares! )

"I Has what every girl wants in a summer. - Sarah Dessen: Author of Lock and Key

"If I could live inside this amazing book, I would. I would inhale the ocean air and soak up the sun, and I would hang out all day with kind-wonderful-funny-awkward Belly and her two known-'em-forever buds, Jeremiah and Conrad. I'd watch the three of them stop being kids and start being more...and I'd hope hope hope that when Belly falls in love -- 'cause you know she will -- she'd give her heart to the exact right boy."
Lauren Myracle: Author of TTFN