Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Honey, Baby, Sweetheart

First thing I thought after I finished this was "what a great book". But I warn you, this story is not to be taken lightly. This is not a "beach read" or some sappy chick love story, and its definitely not a bunch of high school school drama. This story is no joke, yet it taught me so much about what love actually is. And its not easy.

Ruby McQueen is the quite girl, but the great thing about summers is that you can be anyone you want to be. And Travis, badass of Nine Mile Falls, makes her feel different... maybe she can be that daring girl he thinks she is. But Ruby finds herself in risky situations. She needs to give up Travis but she can't seem to let go. To take her mind off things her mother Ann starts to bring her to her weekly book club with the senior citizens. When reading a love story a secret is revealed that takes the older folks, her mom and brother and her, on a road trip to remember.